January 15, 2025


We follow a few basic rules. The first of these is Help Everyone. Our key commitment is to economic inclusion – Of everyone who wants to pursue an idea. We embrace their ideas as our shared ideas and projects. We do this regardless of current economic situation, or racial and cultural background. We understand the value of a diverse community and work to proactively engage and welcome all races and cultures at all levels of our organization.


Represent the community we serve racially and culturally through proactively seeking to find board members, leaders and artists who can support our outreaches in different languages and cultural presentations.


Focus on the key cultures of Long Beach: Black, Latino/a, Filipino, Cambodian.

Develop funds to enable advertising and presentation in Spanish, Tagalog and Khmer.

Seek out board members from the Latino/a, Filipino, Cambodian communities.

Seek out program owners from the Latino/a, Filipino, Cambodian communities.

Develop and support additional artists from the Black, Latino/a, Filipino, Cambodian communities in our projects.

Support artists working with culturally relevant works to the Black, Latino/a, Filipino, Cambodian community and collaborate with local stores, parks and other locations to present works aligned with these artists.

Cultural Equity and Inclusion Coordinator: LeClair Pearson. Officer: Trish Tsoiasue